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What we offer

Whole class projects in...


Learn, rehearse and perform the wonderful carnival rhythms of Brazil with a Samba band project, taught and performed on authentic Brazilian instruments.


Through weekly sessions a range of repertoire is developed, rehearsed and performed on Glockenspiels culminating in a concert during the final session.


Singing improves health, wellbeing and mood and develops a sense of connection. A range of styles can be taught and projects can follow class topics if required or contribute to end of term and seasonal concerts.

A range of exciting sessions for children in the
foundation phase. With classic repertoire and lots of new and original songs this project is sure to engage, excite and enthuse all children.


Sessions in singing, acting and movement to bring the West End and Broadway to your school hall.



An introduction to drumming - these lively, fun,
energetic and noisy sessions help to develop rhythm, pulse, discipline and coordination skills.


Learning the recorder will develop listening skills, hand and eye coordination, fine motor skills, Reading and playing music is one of the few activities that uses both sides of the brain at once and improves brain function.




The ukulele offers several benefits for children such as enhancing cognitive skills, improving motor coordination, fostering creativity, boosting self confidence and provides a positive outlet for self-expression.  Learning the Ukulele teaches discipline, patience and perseverance while offering a sense of accomplishment as progress is made.  It is also fun and engaging and develops a lifelong appreciation for music and the arts.





Learning the penny whistle helps children develop their musical abilities, improve breath control, enhances fine motor skills and promotes auditory skills.  It will also spark a lasting interest in music and encourages cultural exploration through traditional music traditional tunes associated with the instrument.




Learning to play the PBuzz offers several benefits for children.  It helps develop essential musical skills like breath control, lip buzzing, and coordination, laying a foundation for more advanced brass instruments like trumpet or trombone.  The PBuzz is very accessible to young learners, boosting their confidence and enthusiasm for playing music.  Overall the PBuzz provides an enjoyable introduction to the world of brass music and can develop a lifelong passion for playing musical instruments.



Some of the key benefits of learning the harp include cognitive development, fine motor skills, emotional expression, stress relief, discipline and patience, self confidence, auditory skills and cutlural enrichment as it is the national instrument of Wales.


A junk percussion project where children create their own instruments before learning to play

them as part of a class ensemble.

An introduction to song writing where learners will write their own lyrics and melody to create a song.  The song will be recorded using professional recording equipment and sheet music or backing tracks can be produced as a legacy for children to sing for many years to come.


Beth allwn gynnig

Prosiectau dosbarth cyfan mewn...


Dysgwch, ymarferwch a pherfformiwch rhythmau y carnifal o Frasil gyda phrosiect band Samba, sy'n cael eu haddysgu a'u perfformio ar offerynnau dilys o Frasil.

Trwy sesiynau wythnosol mae cerddoriaeth yn cael ei ddatblygu, ei ymarfer a'i berfformio ar glockenspiel gan arwain at gyngerdd yn ystod y sesiwn olaf.

Mae canu yn gwella iechyd, lles a hwyliau ac yn
datblygu ymdeimlad o gysylltiad. Gall prosiectau dilyn
pynciau dosbarth, os oes angen neu gyfrannu at
gyngherddau diwedd tymor a thymhorol.

Awrywiaeth o sesiynau cyffrous i blant yn y cyfnod sylfaen. Gyda hen ffefrynnau a llwyth o ganeuon newydd a gwreiddiol mae'r prosiect hwn yn sicr o ymgysylltu, cyffroi ac ennyn brwdfrydedd pob plentyn.

Sesiynau mewn canu, actio a symudiad i gefnogi'ch sioe ysgol a dod ar West End a Broadway i'ch neuadd ysgol.

Cyflwyniad i ddrymio mewn ffordd fywiog a hwyl. Mae'r sesiynau egniol a swnllyd yn helpu i ddatblygu sgiliau rhythm a pwls, disgyblaeth a chydlynu.

Mae dysgu'r recordyr yn datblygu sgiliau gwrando, cydsymud llaw a llygaid a sgiliau echddygol manwl, Mae chwarae'r recordyr yn un o ychydig weithgareddau sy'n defnyddio dwy ochr yr ymennydd ar unwaith ac yn gwella swyddogaeth yr ymennydd.



Mae'r ukulele yn cynnig nifer o fanteision i blant megis gwella sgiliau gwybyddol, gwella cydsymud echddygol, meithrin creadigrwydd, hybu hunanhyder ac mae'n darparu cyfrwng cadarnhaol ar gyfer hunanfynegiant. Mae dysgu'r ukulele yn dysgu disgyblaeth, amynedd a dyfalbarhad wrth gynnig ymdeimlad o gyflawniad wrth i gynnydd gael ei wneud. Mae hefyd yn hwyl ac yn ddeniadol ac yn datblygu gwerthfawrogiad gydol oes o gerddoriaeth a'r celfyddydau.



Mae dysgu'r chwiban geiniog yn helpu plant i ddatblygu eu galluoedd cerddorol, gwella rheolaeth anadl, gwella sgiliau echddygol manwl a hybu sgiliau clywedol. Bydd hefyd yn tanio diddordeb parhaol mewn cerddoriaeth ac yn annog archwilio diwylliannol trwy gerddoriaeth draddodiadol alawon traddodiadol sy'n gysylltiedig â'r offeryn.



Mae dysgu chwarae'r PBuzz yn cynnig nifer o fanteision i blant. Mae’n helpu i ddatblygu sgiliau cerddorol hanfodol fel rheoli anadl, sïo gwefusau, a chydsymud, gan osod sylfaen ar gyfer offerynnau pres mwy datblygedig fel trymped neu trombôn. Mae'r PBuzz yn hygyrch iawn i ddysgwyr ifanc, gan roi hwb i'w hyder a'u brwdfrydedd dros chwarae cerddoriaeth. Yn gyffredinol mae'r PBuzz yn rhoi cyflwyniad pleserus i fyd cerddoriaeth bres a gall ddatblygu angerdd gydol oes dros chwarae offerynnau cerdd.


Y Delyn

Mae rhai o fanteision allweddol dysgu’r delyn yn cynnwys datblygiad gwybyddol, sgiliau echddygol manwl, mynegiant emosiynol, lleddfu straen, disgyblaeth ac amynedd, hunanhyder, sgiliau clywedol a chyfoethogi diwylliant gan mai hwn yw offeryn cenedlaethol Cymru.


Prosiect i greu offerynnau cyn dysgu sut i chwarae fel rhan o ensemble mawr.


Cyflwyniad i ysgrifennu caneuon lle bydd dysgwyr yn ysgrifennu geiriau ac alaw eu hunain i greu cân. Gellir cynhyrchu 'sheet music' neu drac cefndir fel etifeddiaeth i blant canu'r gân am flynyddoedd i ddod.

©2024 by Cerdd Torfaen Music

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